Saturday, December 05, 2020

Paper Can Be Your Friend

When it comes to the creative process you're most likely going to use to digital media. Wherever you want to write a script, odds are likely that you'll just open a doc file and just simply go for it. It's just I think for the initial phases of the creation process when you're actually trying to figure out characters, plots, doing your first initial outline, the usual media is just way too constrictive. 

With a piece of paper, I can put all this really cool stuff in different areas of the paper. This means that I can see it all at once rather than having to scroll up or down. on top of that, I can figure out which areas I need to really work on first, such as the characters or the plot first. I can do all this stuff at same time. Sometimes it's really great to get away from the laptop and just go at it with a pencil on a piece of paper or even a notebook. 

What is really is cool is that if I want to I can actually set this up as post it notes, different colors for different situations. Or I put these on different types of note cards. I've even been known to use the back of a child's menu. What this does is that it allows me to see all of this stuff at one time. I'm not having to scroll up and down or go through different documents to see exactly what's going on. 

I just need to look at the board and go, "Hey, this is what's going on" or "That's not quite working." So I'll flip the cards around and start messing with stuff until everything works out to where I think it needs to be. It's just a really cool hands-on practicality. That makes paper really great. 

If you're having problems seeing what the problem is when you're writing, debate using paper, either a piece of paper, note cards, or even Post-it notes. It will definitely give you a different perspective on your story.

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