Friday, July 21, 2006

Would Darth Vader Drink Guinness?

Any time I create a character, I ask myself one simple question: Could I see that character at a bar? It doesn’t need to be an Irish pub, even though it helps; the basic question is if the person (note: “person”, not “character”) is capable of holding a conversation. Even the most obsessed psychotics are capable of holding a conversation; even an autistic can communicate their desires, albeit in limited fashion. In essence, is their something in the character that makes that character a person, with desires and wishes, balanced against their flaws and handicaps?

The problem with alien psychologies is that the writers too often ignore that even an alien psychology has to deal with the same basic motivations of any human: They need to survive, breed, and eat, however that is defined for the alien. It’s easy to forget that, but even an insect has a motivation, even if it is just finding the next meal and surviving. Most of the alien psychologies aren’t that alien when you analyze them from the stance of what their motivation is. There is no real alien psychology, at least, not in the since that it has no similarities to a human one.

The problem is that when people think “alien psychologies” they are thinking that an alien needs to have its own motivations that make no sense to other sentients. The reality is that even regular humans have motivations that are alien to other humans; consider an altruist from the perspective of someone who sees selfishness in everyone, for example, or someone who tries to live their lives morally in the eyes of a dedicated sinner. Consider how many writers treat immortals as entities that never graduated high school; how many vampires are more interested in what amounts to high school politics and are worried more about social ramifications than pursuing their own interests?

That's something you need to consider when you write. You need to ask yourself just how alien people are and decide if you are interested in trying to make those alien psychologies work or exploring how delusionary they really are. When it comes down to it the only true aliens are those we choose not to try and comprehend; all personalities are ultimately decipherable and there are no real aliens. You just need to figure out how they work in terms of your story and what they can bring your story. You'll find that people have more in common than you would think at first.

It basically comes down to that I bet you could at least debate Nietzsche with Darth Vader, and it would be interesting. A good writer will create the full personality of his characters; try to hold a basic conversation with one, and if you can, then the character is solid. That's sort of the genesis of the bar test; any two characters should be able to have a conversation in a bar or else one or both of those characters may need some work when it comes to being fleshed out. This applies especially when it comes to heroes and villains as they are usually the ones that are the most apparent in their motivations; if they can't discuss what is important to them then they have some serious issues you need to work on. So have your characters meet in a bar, at least in your head, and let them talk; it's the only real way to see who works and who needs work.

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