Sunday, December 13, 2020

Don't Worry About Being Perfect

Diamonds aren't perfect. Sure, they're incredibly beautiful pieces of work and sure, they're able to cut through pretty much everything. However, people like diamonds because they have that really cool flame to them. 

That flame is caused not by the crystal structure of the diamond, but by a flaw in that structure.  

If it weren't for that flaw in every diamond, they wouldn't be worth noticing. They would just be basically really sharp glass. They wouldn't shine with an inner fire. However, because every diamond has that one little characteristic bubble, some sort of crack, or a little bit extra something in there that catches the light and causes it to refract that light all over the place. 

Because of that flaw you've got a really gorgeous gemstone.

You need to realize that you are like that diamond. Like that diamond, you would not shine without your flaws, without your imperfections. This isn't to say that you shouldn't be working on those flaws, but for all intents and purposes, those flaws make you are who you are. But you are more thanjust your flaws; just like the diamond, the flaws may make you shine but you are far more than your flaws.

Sure, you're going to have a lot of people who are going to tell you that you're an idiot, that you don't matter, and that you can be easily replaced. Ignore them. You are who you need to be and you get to define who you are. You need to beat your own drum, define your own rhythm. If there's a path take the one that's best for you. You need to find your own path, not the path that's best for someone else. 

Don't let the naysayers get you down. If somebody starts pointing out your flaws without looking at your strengths, you have every right to tell them to bugger off. You're not perfect but there's nothing wrong with that.Sure, you need to work on flaws and you should always be striving for improvement, but you shouldn't let your imperfections slow you down. Charge ahead and be the best you that you can be. 

Be remember that you have a flaw surrounded by a lot of strength, just like that diamond.

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