Monday, December 14, 2020

Find Your Own Path

Some people found a great path to success and they assume that path works for everyone. That path may be fine for them, but it may not work for you. Other people have made a lot of mistakes by following others; they're drowning and you need to let them drown. You don't need to be part of that same pool. 

You need to realize you have your own destiny You have what makes you special, and it's not going to be the same thing that makes somebody else special. You need to figure out what works for you. You need to find a path that works for you even if it may not work for other people. You have your own desires; you want to follow your own dreams. However, you need to realize that your dreams are not the same as others, and that difference means that you walk a path different than others.

You need to realize that what makes you special is what puts you on your own path and you may not be able to use somebody else's path. That's fine. Their path is not necessarily for you. People will find success for themselves; but what works for them may not work for you. Find your own path and feel comfortable with that.

However, be especially beware of those that want to drag other people down with them. Some people feel that if they are drowning, then others should be drowning with them. While you may feel it necessary to try and save them, be aware that following them may cause you to be drowned as well; try and save them if you have to, but try to get off that path as quickly as possible. 

When it comes down to it, figure out what makes you special and how to use that to find your own success. Your path may be different than others, and there is nothing wrong with that. 

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