Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Listen To The Haters!

We're all going to eventually acquire haters, or somebody who hates what we do, the way we do it, and has absolutely no problem saying so. This somebody will track us down into the nether regions of the internet and try to roast us. This person will become one of our personal trolls.

So let's have a lot of them.

It's just something that comes up at some point, and it's a sign that you're doing your job well; you just know you 're getting under someone's skin when you pick up some sort of hater. While they can be irritating, and you may need to figure out some way to deal with them if they become a problem, you can actually use these people to actually get better by listening to what they say while at the same time ignoring it. We all have our flaws that we need to work on. As these people actually have absolutely no problem telling us what a screw up we are, and specifically how we're screwing up.

Okay, so I'm like, "Cool, tell me more." These people can tell you where your flaws are. and nine times out of ten they'll even tell you how to fix those problems. I know it's weird, but listen to these people. Sure, there's a lot of people you need not listen to as they are little more than insulting, they're definitely disrespecting you, and when it comes down to it their entire thing is to get you mad enough that you just up and quit. They would love it if you were never seen from again. 

You should not give them that satisfaction. 

But learn from your haters. Figure out why they don't like you. And then use that to get better. But don't let it get to you; take it as a personal badge of honor; after all, the haters you have out there, the more people that are wanting to see you dead, the better, which is though weird, it means that your audience is increasing to the point that someone hates you. Sure, they may think you suck, but they are reading your writing 

So remember to learn from your haters. Don't internalize, let it roll off your back, but do take advantage of all that free critique as much as you can.

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