Sunday, December 20, 2020

Do The Impossible

"People who say that something is impossible need to stay out of the way of those doing it." It's sort of fun to watch people who keep telling everybody there's no way that something can be done and right behind them somebody's actually doing the thing. 

You want to be that person who's doing the thing. 

You want to prove people that yes, you can do what they see as impossible. You can do things that nobody else can do, that you have your own skills and abilities. You're going to show them off no matter what, and you need to not be afraid to use them to do the impossible on a regular basis. Just do

I don't care what your motivation is; everybody has their own motivation for doing the impossible. Some people like challenges so they figure it out. Others just like a challenge; they see a mountain, they climb it. Some people will do it just to tick other people off and that's just as valid. 

These are the people that will be told they can't do something because of who they are, because of what they are, because of what they're missing. Their biggest thing is at that point is to show those people that they don't care;  others don't place limits on them based on those artificial restraints, and those others should just watch their dust.

Then you have the people who just are totally insane and really like doing the impossible just because it annoys the heck out of everybody else around them. They don't have to do it, they just think it's funny to show people that thought it was impossible and it couldn't be done. 

The bottom line is it doesn't matter why. You need to figure out your reason to do the impossible and just do it. Show people that you can do whatever you can and do it well.You will find that the easiest way to shut the naysayers down is to just do it, and shutting them up is one of the most satisfying things you can do.

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