Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Don't Write Hungry

Hunger can definitely be one of the more annoying distraction that writers have to face. Luckily, there is one way to deal with it. First: Keep hydrated. You always want to have a glass of whatever your beverage of choice is within reach and outside the spill zone of your computer. You should always have something wet within reach. Now, let's talk snacks.

To use a plate or not to use a plate is a legitimate question. If you use a plate it means another trip to the kitchen, and that means possibly grabbing more food. Using a paper towel instead eliminates that extra trip and that temptation.

Weird Diet Tip: Fewer trips to the kitchen means less temptation to grab more snacks.

Also, make sure that you only grab prepared snacks. You want to spend as much time as possible writing, and preparing food, even nuking it, is time you spend away from the keyboard. Besides chips, the obvious suggestions are going to need your nuts, your meat, your cheeses, even your good old fashioned vegetables. The key here is you're looking for something that has a little bit of a crunch to it, but that crunch is part of what you're craving: You want something for your mouth to do and so nothing else will satisfy you as much. It's also going to stave off hunger better. 

This is why you spend a little extra time during meal prep to prepare some snacks, even if it's just cutting up meats and cheeses for cracker sandwiches, making vegetables bite sized to grab whenever you want, or even prepping some salsa or other dip. While you're waiting for something to boil, chop something up for tomorrow's snacks. 

Obviously, no one is preventing you from baking. You just want to avoid baked goods because they are the highest in calories. While that makes them satisfying, it also makes them the worst for your diet. 

Weird Snack Tip: Do not grab snacks that require utensils. You'll end up having to balance time between eating and writing, and that can suck. You want something you can just pop in your mouth with little thought.

If it happens to have little bit of salt or sweetness so much the better; those flavors help make for a satisfying snack. That's why you want your your meat (usually salty), your cheeses (a little of both), crackers (crunchy and salty), your good old fashioned vegetables (combined with a dressing for dipping, you get the crunch and salt you're looking for). Just grab a handful of something, put it on a paper towel, and get right back to work. 

By using your power snacks, you're going to find you will be a lot more productive and you're going to have a lot more fun writing.Better yet, by keeping snacking down to a minimum you may actually lose a little bit of weight.

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