Friday, December 11, 2020

Don't Do Anything Without A Business Plan

Do typically have a plan? Look, a lot of writers tend to suck at the whole business thing. It's just straight up, we're not geared that way. This goes into that whole general category of we don't want to deal with people. 

Nonetheless, it sort of can help to have an idea what you plan to do with the book once it actually gets written. And this is basically going to come down to some sort of marketing plan. We basically have most of the steps pretty much covered: 

1) We know why we're doing it.
2) We know who we have to compete against.
3) We know why we're writing the book.
4) We know how we're going to distribute it.

We just need to come up with some sort of marketing plan to get news about our book out. We need to come up with some sort of plan in order to sell our book once we actually have it ready to go. I don't care if it's as simple as a team blasting all your social media as often as you possibly can, that's still better than just uploading it to Amazon and hoping people just come across it. 

You want all of your friends to know that you've got this new book out, so going on discussion boards and selling yourself as some sort of expert works really great if you're doing some sort of non fiction book. By establishing you know what you're actually talking about will create interest in what you're actually writing. If you're selling some sort of fiction, you need to create some sort of interest in what the book is about. 

Either way, you need to get the message out. Just hoping that someone will come across your book just doesn't sell your book.

You need to come up with some sort of plan, be it a podcast interview, advertising, pretty much any kind of social media out. You need to have some sort of plan for marketing your book. You need to actually develop that plan as quickly as possible. So make sure that when you start writing you have some sort of plan for when your book is actually published and you'll be steps ahead of the competition.

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