Monday, December 07, 2020

Have Someone You Can Talk To

One of the problems with being a writer is that sometimes it'll be seem like it's just you and your laptop. You can have a lot of collaborations with other artists throughout the years, and sometimes you'll have employers and employees working with you. But the bottom line is that you are going to encounter a lot of weird problems that you're going to need to have somebody talk to. I don't care if it's calling Mom, an online discussion board, or even a therapist. 

You need to have somebody who can actually talk through those problems with. 

There are going to be days when you just need a little bit of encouragement or to go completely off topic, just talking about the most inane subjects known to man. There are going to be those days where you just need to get away from your writing. You need to just talk with someone, be it over Zoom, a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine. 

This is when you can need people you can go to and discuss things most people would take to a therapist. You need to have somebody you can talk with, so that when you have problems, you know who to discuss those problems with. 

And keep in mind that sometimes the other person you're talking to you is going to have the exact same problem. So just as much as you need have somebody to talk to you, remember that other people may need to talk to you. You need to reciprocate your relationships. Just remember that you're not alone and having somebody to talk to is one of those secrets you never see in an "How To Succeed" article. So find someone you can talk with and enjoy that relationship.

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