Thursday, December 10, 2020

Make Sure That You Have a Support Team At The Ready

Writers tend to forget that writing as well in business. Yes, it can be fun, it can be creative, and you can use it to relieve stress every so often. But the bottom line is that it is still a business; at some point in time, we actually have to have some sort of product that goes through some kind of quality assurance process, and that we get the word out that the product is on this way. Oh, and that product has to be completed and made ready for purchase. 

We also have to make sure that well, at some point, our actual copy gets into the device or the hands of our readers. 

However, as writers we have certain handicaps in this process. As editors, we pretty much suck because when we're done with that first draft, we want to publish and we want to be on to the next thing. When it comes to marketing, we're just a little bit on the introverted side; if most writers had their way, they would never ever deal with anybody. And course we have distribution to worry about, but the more we can keep our hands off that so much the better; we hate being pushy, as it means going out and dealing with people.

We need somebody to help us with those things. While there are ways around this: If we upload to Amazon, for example, they'll take care of the printing and distribution for us, as well as a little bit of marketing. 

We still need somebody to help us with the marketing we definitely need help with the editing. Because of this we need some help once in a while. We need artists for covers, lay-out artists to make the text look pretty, editors to go through the copy looking for errors, and even marketers to help with ads. We need people to do all of the things that we don't want or lack the skills to deal with.

So if you are serious about your writing, make sure that you have some sort of support team or you may as well just write for yourself. 

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