Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Spend For Effect

One of those unwritten rules is that you're gonna have to spend money for something in order to get attention. I don't care if it's for the editing, the marketing, or even have a really cool book cover design but you need to spend money to make money. Yeah, it's a sad state of affairs, but you can't do everything for free

While it sucks there's nothing wrong with this; sometimes you need to pay to play. It's just that when you do spend money, you want to make sure that what you're spending on is actually going to be effective for whatever you need it to be effective for. You need to check out the product, and that means that you need to check out reviews if possible. You need to get some sort of sample. 

You need to be able to justify that spending. 

Then you need to avoid the person who will get what you purchased to you when it suits him. Yeah, that's not gonna work. You have deadlines, even Informal ones, and you need to stick to those deadlines. Sticking to someone else's schedule when you have one of your own needs to be avoided at all costs.

So that means that not only you have to make sure that whatever money you're spending is actually being used effectively but you need to have some sort of way to actually track it. If you can't put a tracking system of some sort in the place, then don't bother spending the money in the first place; you'll just end up wasting money one way or another. You need to not only have confidence in what you're doing, but to be able to shout out confidence in your system as a whole. 

So when it comes down to it you need to make sure that you're working with the best possible product for your particular situation. You need to make sure there's some sort of work samples available. You need to check out reviews if possible. And you need to have some sort of system in place that allows you to check up on what's going on with with the money you're spending. When you are doing that then Congratulations! You are spending money to affect

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